Sussex Research Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. 2023-11-27T08:15:13Z EPrints 2012-02-21T10:04:47Z 2012-08-01T09:39:37Z This item is in the repository with the URL: 2012-02-21T10:04:47Z "Insanity in the Darkness": Anti-Semitic Stereotypes and Jewish Identity in Max Frisch's "Andorra" and Arthur Miller's "Focus"

Max Frisch's experimental play Andorra and Arthur Miller's realistic novel Focus are based on the same unusual theme of a Gentile who is mistaken for a Jew and responds to persecution by declaring that he is a Jew. Both works explore issues of personal identity and social responsibility in conjunction with anti-Semitism as an example of stereotyping and prejudice in general. Both show affinities with the thought ofJean-Paul Sartre, Theodor Adorno, Hannah Arendt, and Bruno Bettelheim. Conditioned by the authors' different temperaments and circumstances, Focus ends in hope, Andorra in despair. In this essay the parallels and contrasts between the two works are analysed for the first time.

Ladislaus Löb 1622
2012-02-20T16:55:09Z 2020-02-03T16:33:57Z This item is in the repository with the URL: 2012-02-20T16:55:09Z A Deaf Young People's Training Programme

FYDs successes in the Training Programme has never failed to receive a large attraction of Deaf and Hearing people, but there are present trends of young people within our society which have an indirect effect in meeting their training requirements. This survey of the Training Programme and the national trends will hopefully result in a comprehensive Training Needs Analysis and eventually, to meet their needs. After four years of experience in delivering these training courses, I am now able to say, that certain numbers of some Deaf and Hearing trainees have not shown the necessary progression through the programme and that this is possibly due to their diversity of linguistic skills and envisage an additional section in the Training Programme.

John Walker 194863